Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas and 2011...

Christmas day this year was fun and relaxing and everyone was happy. We spent time with family, got some very special gifts and ate some really good food.

And, with this being the last day of 2011, I am happy to say that I kept all of my resolutions. {I really think the key thing for me was keeping them to myself}. I am also really amazed at how quickly the year went by. Well, I am ready for the new year - I have my resolutions in mind and I am excited for all of the new things to come.

Tomorrow all of the decorations will come down. So today I photographed a few items that have been in my Christmases for most of my life. My mom gave me these a few years ago and I love putting them up in my house each year.

Wishing you a fun and safe New Year's Eve. See you next year...


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Wow, has it really been over 3 weeks since I have posted to my blog? Things have been busy and time has gone by too fast. I am trying to get ready for Christmas, as it is fast approaching. The kids are out of school for the winter break and I am almost done with work :) and I see a lot of relaxation in my near future. Yea!

Here is a beanie that I made for my son (quite a while ago) but never shared.

If I don't see you before the new year...

Merry Christmas!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

It's a beautiful day here. I got to sleep in, which was fabulous. I was also able to relax and drink my "candy" coffee while watching H.R. Pufnstuf. Right now I'm watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The pies are baking in the oven (one cherry and one apple) - they smell so good - and the fruit salad is made and waiting in the fridge. We'll be going to spend time with family very soon.

I have been working on a scarf in my kids high school colors. Soccer season is here and I am going to be prepared to show school spirit for my daughters team.

I hope you are having a blessed Thanksgiving Day...


Friday, November 11, 2011

Vintage Stripe...

I first saw this crocheted blanket on Attic 24 many months ago and knew I wanted to make one of my own. I picked softer, pastel colored yarn for it. The colors, along with the style of the blanket, look very old fashioned to me. It's very easy and fast to work and would be perfect for a beginner.

I am also working on Christmas gifts and will be sharing those after the first of the new year.

I will also be sharing some "school spirit" things with you very soon. My daughter made the high school soccer team and with it be a winter sport (opposed cross country, which my son runs, and is during our hottest months here) it will be cold. So, I was thinking a scarf, hat and maybe a blanket would be in order. Go Eagles!

Hoping you are enjoying today...


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Out Back...

Hope you are enjoying your weekend...


Monday, October 24, 2011


I love autumn.

I love the cool weather, the rain and overcast skies, the color of the changing leaves, pumpkins...

I love snuggling under a warm blanket with a good book, drinking warm vanilla coffee in the afternoon, wearing a sweater...

This year, Grandma and Grandpa took the kids to their churches pumpkin patch. They had a lot of fun because there was a catapult. When you buy a pumpkin, you can choose to either take it home or send it flying in the air (lol). Well, of coarse they did both. Below are the pumpkins they brought home.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Works In Progress...

Well, I have been working on my ripple blanket consistently and have finally gotten to a stopping point. {mainly because I came to the end of my yarn} So, for now, it is finished. But I am thinking that in the near future I will be buying more yarn to add to it. It is so wonderful the way it is right now. I am really excited for the cooler weather that's here because I love pulling it over my legs while resting on the couch.

I have also finished the crochet part of the hat for my daughter. 
Wow, the color of the yarn looks totally different from the inside pictures of it - lol. So, I am now ready to tackle the knitted band. 
Fingers crossed...


Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Hat and A Yarn...

Yesterday I started a new project - a hat for my daughter. I often check Ravelry  for new crochet patterns - or just to look at what everyone is sharing. {You should sign up if you haven't already, it's free and a wonderful place for crochet or knitting patterns.}

I found several patterns for slouchy hats and really had a hard time choosing. I did find this pattern a few months ago and love the way it looks. The only problem is the band is knitted and my knitting skill level is basic beginner at best. Well, I figured I would start it and either figure out a way to finish it with crochet or beg someone to help me with the knitting part. lol Maybe my friend Penny...

Here is what I have so far...

The yarn I am using is Red Heart Soft in Grape. I found it at Joann's last weekend. I also bought a skein of Seafoam which is much bluer than it looks in my pictures. They are so soft and have a little bit of a sheen to them. I am really enjoying working with them. You should try them for you next project...


Sunday, September 11, 2011


I have been away for way too long. It's just been really busy with the kids back in school, and both in sports and with work. Also, I have been really into reading in my spare time (my very little spare time). I feel like I only have my tomatoes (which are coming to an end of growing), my ripple blanket (which I crochet on a little bit here and there) and momma bird (who has been on her nest 3 times this summer - yes, 6 baby doves in all) to talk about. And I really don't want to bore you with repeats. 

And I am sure you are remembering, just as I am, what happened 10 years ago today. Remember to keep living for the things that matter most to you, show love and kindness every day and don't sweat the small stuff. 

I do want to share my new Pinterest with you. I see so many wonderful things online and I am glad I signed up for a small spot on their website. While there, check out my <3 books board. There you will see some of the Beverly Lewis books I have been reading this summer. 

I also want to say a very happy birthday to my niece Sage today. Love you Sage... :o)


Monday, August 22, 2011

Crocheted Basket...

I crocheted this little basket over the weekend. It was very easy and fun to make. The little cross in the pictures was made for me by one of my little preschool friends - I love it...

I also wanted to share with you some of my funniest looking tomatoes so far...


Sunday, July 31, 2011

I am in Love...

Can't wait to see if I can find this magazine at a store close to me.


Friday, July 29, 2011

A Beautiful Morning...

It's been a beautiful morning so far. I got to sleep in, have some french vanilla coffee and read a little. Errands will come in a little bit and then maybe a treat - lunch out and a movie...


The evening sky full of lovely pink clouds a few nights ago... (one blessing from the smog we have)

The book I am reading now... (almost done - it's really good)

Slowly, buy surely, my ripple blanket is coming along... (using my Nana's crochet hook)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Busy Time of Year...

Wow... It's been very busy around here. But, I wanted to share with you a few things...

Momma dove had two babies. They are both gone now. But, she is back on the nest again. Maybe there will be two more soon...
I love the way my embroidery turned out. It was a gift for a special little girl...

 My tomatoes keep growing. The flowers...
 ...and tomatoes are beautiful...
 ...and so red.
There has been an addition to Grandpa's pond...
And, I am currently reading this book. It's very good...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Time...

Well, summer is here... 

It has been much warmer this past week with temperatures in the mid to high 90's. But, even with the high temperatures during the day, it's still cooling down nicely in the evening.

I'm really enjoying my sunday and hope you are too. I went out to check on the tomatoes and was happy to get a few more cherry and grape tomatoes off the plants. My little miniature roses are looking pretty today as well.

If you have ever looked at my photography blog, you will know we have a dove that nests on top of our spot lights in the back yard. Well, she is back. A little later than last year though. But, I'm sure I will be seeing a baby very soon.

I am also working on new embroidery project. I put aside my ripple blanket to make something very special.

Enjoy your day!


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sweet Treat...

Could this be a better lunch?


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday Morning...

What a beautiful morning it was today. My tomato plants are getting so big (I'm happy about that) and the tomatoes are starting to turn red.  

I got some beautiful flowers from a little friend at preschool... 

 I am working on a new crocheted blanket. It's called a ripple. I found the pattern at Attic 24. I am using the yarn I shared with you here. I did buy 2 more colors to go with them.
Last weekend I made a zipper pouch for my crochet hooks and such...
The inside...
And I found this sweater at the thrift store for $1.00. I am going to be using it for a project in the near future.