Good morning. It's a beautiful day here so far, it's nice and cool and I can hear the birds chirping outside - I am enjoying it.
I am excited because my tomatoes are growing and doing good (with the exception of one plant that is growing but not producing).
These are Indigo Rose tomatoes...
These are German Queen tomatoes...
These are Yellow Pear tomatoes...
These are the last two mandala's that I crocheted. I love the colors of this one and I am currently using it on the living-room table.
I really like the blues and greens with that little bit of yellow of this mandala but I'm not sure of the variegated yarn. I have always liked the color combination of variegated yarns but not the patterning you get when crocheting with them.
These little baby birds are in a nest in our patio. The picture is not that great and the nest is more bird-poo that twigs but, they are so cute that I wanted to share them with you.
Have a great day.